

A man sitting at his desk with multiple monitors.

After long hours behind a console it can be so difficult to find time for ourselves and our own personal well-being. Despite how much of a struggle it can be, it is so IMPORTANT that we take care of ourselves first. We’ve all heard the speech about taking time for ourselves, but come on, we are all so busy, who has time for that? Well we’re here to tell you, you have to MAKE time! Don’t let your own health suffer! If you aren’t well, you won’t be as effective at your job or able to serve anyone else, whether it be callers, coworkers, family friends, etc, very well. Click the following icons to check out some resources when it comes to the three areas of wellness.

Physical Health

A group of people running across a bridge.

Exercise is not just a way to lose weight, but is also a great way to de-stress and fight off depression. The positive benefits also include improved mood, increased energy, and increased brain and memory health.

There are many resources for different workouts and types of exercise from weightlifting to yoga to running to Pilates. A simple Google or Pinterest search can provide more than enough exercises and exercise routines. The best thing you can do to though to help improve your physical health is to….


Whether it’s a walk around the block, bike riding with your kids, or even marching in place while you watch your favorite TV show or stand behind the radio, just moving is a HUGE step in the right direction.

A poster of office yoga exercises on a chair.
A woman is doing exercises on the chair.
A poster of different exercises to do in the office.
A poster of seated yoga poses with instructions.

Mental Health

A circle with the words mental health written in it.


We as dispatchers are sometimes the most stubborn when it comes to admitting we need help ourselves  We want to make sure we, as dispatchers and people, are all taken care of. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please use the following list of sites to find help. Reach out!

911 Recovers LLC

Providing confidential wellness and therapy services for public safety via videoconferencing


Affordable, private online counseling. Anytime, anywhere.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Safe Call Now

Safe Call Now is a CONFIDENTIAL, comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for all public safety employees, all emergency services personnel and their family members nationwide

Staying Fit With Dispatch

This group serves as a motivational tool for dispatchers who want to learn more about fitness or to find a way to get started!


A bowl of salad with cucumbers, onions and olives.

When it comes to eating well and eating right, two of the main ideas are eating less calories than we burn, and eating more whole “clean” foods, instead of processed ones. Using this guideline will help you fuel your body with the right foods.

There are so many diets, tips, tricks, do’s and don’t’s out there that it’s hard to understand some of it. The important thing is that we are fueling our bodies with good foods, and being active. It is so easy to slip into a sedentary lifestyle in our jobs that we have to be proactive about our health.

If you’re looking to start a new way of eating, be sure to check with your doctor or a nutritionist and get professional advice to help you make the best decision. We want to use this page to share basic information to help you make better nutrition choices and understand some of the facts of nutrition.

A picture of some different types of exercise.
A chart of the different fruits and vegetables that are in each other.
A bunch of different types of food in containers.
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